Developing the Genius Within
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Wednesday, April 03, 2024
By Taylor Boone
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Developing the Genius Within

In an increasingly tumultuous and unpredictable world, getting caught up in the news cycle and the constant barrage of what's going wrong is easy. Between the unfolding of wars, the resurgence of hate and disrespect, and the heartbreaking environmental crises, it can feel like we're on a sinking ship. However, life has a funny way of throwing us curveballs that force us to stop, reassess, and remember what truly matters. For me, that curveball came in the form of a health scare, a wake-up call that urged me to take a step back from work and focus on de-stressing and healing.

During this period of reflection, I found solace and inspiration in the book 'The 5 AM Club'. Chapter 12, in particular, struck a chord with me, discussing the importance of tapping into and developing our inner genius. This concept has been my beacon during this tumultuous time, reminding me that optimizing oneself is not just a personal journey but a contribution to the betterment of the world.

Despite the dire state of our planet and society, the celebration of Jane Goodall's 90th birthday served as a powerful reminder of one individual's impact. Her lifetime of dedication and love for our planet and its creatures has left an indelible mark, demonstrating the profound difference we can make when we adjust our attitudes and approach life with a can-do spirit. It's about living fully, casting aside the self-doubt, fear, and what-ifs that hold us back.

This realization has led me to deploy my "ZERO Fucks Given" button, a symbolic push to focus on what truly matters, devoid of the fear of judgment or failure. I invite you to discover and use your button too. Imagine, for the next 90 days, if we viewed each other with compassion and understanding, like Maya Angelou or Mother Teresa. What if we cared for our planet and its inhabitants with the same zeal as Jane Goodall? What if we faced our fears, anxieties, and doubts with the courage of Muhammad Ali?

And what about channeling the gentleness and love in Olivia Newton-John's lyrics towards ourselves? Or daring to dream as grandly as Walt Disney and Oprah, who transformed their visions into reality? These questions are not mere hypotheticals but a call to action, a prompt to embrace the possibilities within and around us.

I'm on the cusp of embarking on a project that has been a dream of mine for over 15 years. As I forge ahead, I invite the spirits of these incredible individuals to accompany me, guiding and inspiring not just me but all of us to live more meaningfully. This journey isn't just about self-improvement; it's a pathway to impacting the world, one small step at a time.

We have the power to craft a legacy of kindness, bravery, and innovation, but it starts with the belief in our ability to make a difference. So, let's dream big, love deeply, and act courageously. Our time is now, and the world needs the genius within each of us more than ever. Let's not wait another day to start making our mark.


Shine on with love and light,

Taylor Boone

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